I applaud you for following your own path and knowing your own heart. People will always have something to say. Even friends at times. The truth is knowing that path is following it even when people don't understand. Often that lack of understanding you is other things. Their own insecurities and jealousy.

I turned down an incredible job several years ago from a friend and mentor I respected to pursue my own path and while it's been challenging I don't regret it. Photography for me allows me to fuse my interests in writing, people, connection, and making meaning for myself and others simultaneously. I'm still figuring it out. But when you carve your own path at least you are doing it on your own terms. Even if you have to learn some hard lessons on the way. At least you are following your own path. Good luck with psychology! Sounds like it will open some amazing doors.

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Thank you for sharing these thoughts and for your encouragement! Really. Also - I love photography and am so glad there are people who make it their craft and share it with others. I’m glad to hear you’ve found that it’s worth it to follow yourself, even when it’s messy or hard. Applaud you back👏🏼

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My husband is a psychologist. It’s an amazing field. All the best in your pursuit! (PS, I love the HPA axis too)

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Amazing, thank you so much! & it sounds like you're someone after my own heart, lol :))

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